Leading Through Adversity: Michael Mogill + Meldon Law
In the latest installment of Leading Through Adversity, I am joined by Jeffrey Meldon of Meldon Law to hear how his firm has responded to this time of uncertainty with an open mind and a hunger to succeed, regardless of the circumstances.
Check out the full conversation here.
0:25 - Attorney hotline. “We started an attorney hotline welcoming the community to call in, and we would help with any problem. Even if it’s something that wasn’t within our practice area, we would either find the solution or find a lawyer that would help them with their problem.”
3:37 - Be creative. “I’ve had lots of nights when I worried about how to make payroll, but what I found is that you can’t let fear take over. You need to think about how you are going to survive. You just need to think of creative ways to do it.”
4:07 - Go paperless. “This has forced our office to do a lot of things differently. We were in a paper system with our office, and we went to Filevine five weeks ago. Now we’re converting everything in the office so it will all be paperless. It has been a huge change.”
5:34 - Three point system. “I started a three-point program. The program was this: Number one, everybody on the team stayed safe, which meant they were going to move home for the most part and work remotely. Number two, we were going to take care of our clients and do a great job for our clients. Number three, everybody was going to get their paycheck. We were going to take care of them. They were going to have to work a little harder, be creative, and deal with the change.”
6:52 - Ditch the drama. “I had the whole office read Cy Wakeman’s book, so they knew that we were not going to put up with any whining in the office. When I saw Cy, I had another meeting with the office. This helped get us through this crisis because they understood that number one, they were one of the few people that didn’t have to worry about losing a paycheck and everything was going to be taken care of.”
8:51 - Focus on the business. “My whole career, I’ve never focused on what other lawyers were doing. I always focused on what I can do to help my business, my family, and community. That’s what you should be doing right now. Everyone will get through it. You just need to not let negativity drag you down.”
If you’re viewing this challenging situation the same way I am, text me directly at 404–531–7691 to tell me your thoughts.